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Easy Peasy Cheat's Crème Patisserie

This is not a pastry cream that the French would be proud of, but it’s quick, easy, and will happen on your first attempt (yes, I have been through many boxes of eggs before trying to achieve custard that doesn’t resemble something I could eat on toast for breakfast).


250ml whole milk
50ml single cream
80g caster sugar
2 egg yolks, plus...
1 whole egg
2 tbsp corn flour
1 tsp vanilla extract (not pods, unless you want the seeds to be visible)


Start by heating a small pan of water (around 3cm deep) on a medium heat. The water should be at a rolling - not fierce - boil. Then away from the heat, in a metal bowl that is large enough to rest on top of the pan, whisk the ingredients together. It MUST be a metal bowl as the heat that is retained by the metal is what helps cook the eggs later on.

Place the bowl on top of the pan and stir slowly and continuously with the whisk while the heat from the boiling water heats the eggs. You cannot let it sit still for even a few seconds! It will take around 10 minutes for the eggs to cook and for the mixture to become thick custard, but what’s great is that the corn flour will prevent the eggs from overcooking and scrambling. It’s usually overcooking that gives the ‘eggy’ taste.

I will warn you that waiting for the mixture to thicken will feel like an eternity but you will need to keep your wits about you as the mixture will thicken almost in an instant! The second you feel that slight resistance, whisk more briskly for a few seconds to prevent lumps from forming and use an oven mitt or dishcloth to remove the bowl from the heat.

Continue to whisk once removed as the heat from the metal bowl will continue to cook the eggs. Transfer in to a bowl straight away and leave to cool before refrigerating. You will need to cover with cling film to stop a skin forming whilst in the fridge.

You can use this cold custard for many things: custard tarts, doughnuts; or even serve it warm with your favourite dessert. The corn flour helps to stabilise the mixture so re-heating in the oven (for something like Portuguese custard tarts) is not a problem and if reheating on the hob: as long as you whisk until hot, you’ll be fine.

Please comment and let me know if you try this out.
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