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Chia Berry Jam

Happy Mother’s day to all the UK readers! I decided to post a recipe for this delicious chia berry jam today, seeing as I made a batch and included it in a hamper of tasty goodies for my lovely mum (whom by the way eats a diet free from sugar, gluten, nuts, and dairy). The jam is very easy to prepare and has that same ‘jammy’ texture you come to expect from the standard shop-bought varieties; but without all of the refined sugar, and with an extra measure of protein.

Makes 6 small jars (or 1 regular jam jar)


300g frozen berries
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp chia seeds



Add the berries and honey to a pan on low heat. Once bubbling (after 5 minutes or so), lightly mash with a fork and add the chia seeds. Continue to cook on a low heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

Whilst the jam is cooking, sterilise your jam jars - either in the dishwasher or with boiling water – and leave to dry upside down. Allow the jam to cool slightly before decanting in to the sterilised jars. Once filled, leave the lids off until the jam has completely cooled; it will also become firmer and ‘set’ once cool. 

The jam will keep for around a week in the fridge. It’s another great breakfast alternative to enjoy on toast (with peanut butter), in porridge or with yoghurt.

Please let me know if you try any variations of this recipe; I’m trying apricot next so I will keep you posted...
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