A blog about food, beauty, curls and everyday living.

Autumn Eats - Parsnip, Apple and Stilton Soup

This is one of my favourite recipes that always seem to make an appearance at about this time every year. I think it’s because parsnips are bang in season and the fact that a steaming bowl of soup is just perfect for Autumn.
It is a rich, creamy soup with a perfect balance of earthiness, sweetness and acidity. It isn’t for everyone, as the mix of flavours is quite complex, but I love how different it is.

Curly Hair 101

As you probably guessed from the blog name, I am a curly gal. And a long-suffering curly gal at that! You could say that I have struggled to ‘tame the mane’ for many years but now at the good ol’ age of twenty eight I think I’ve finally cracked it.
 I thought it would be fitting for my first post to be a hair related one, so here are my top tips and picks for curly, unruly hair...

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